Gungner Chassis for Ruger 10/22 assembly instructions
1. Remove barreled receiver from current stock
2. Place barreled receiver inside main chassis body
Fastest and easiest method to place receiver into the main chassis body.
– Install your stock in order to give yourself a larger area to brace against.
– Once you have the buffer tube or stock braced against yourself, or against a solid object, push the receiver towards the back of the chassis body. You may need to apply a fair amount of pressure to seat the rear of the receiver under the rear lugs of the chassis.
– When the receiver is as far back as it can go, brace the bottom of the chassis magazine well on the edge of a table.
– In a quick motion, raise the barrel and chassis a small amount from the table. Quickly press the barrel, receiver, and magazine well against the table, snapping the receiver into place. Once the receiver snaps into place, you’ll notice the chassis has a tight hold on the receiver with very little to no play.
3. Slide chassis sight rail into top of chassis body
4. Install shim between receiver and chassis where goes takedown screw
5. Slide forearm rearward over barrel. Align slotted portions then connect to chassis body. Please note you may need to remove the rear sight on the barrel if there is interference with fitting the forearm.
6. Use the two LONGER screw to secure the top sight rail.
and two of theSHORTERscrews to secure the side tabs where the forearm and chassis meet.
7. Install barrel support (if using sporter profile barrel) in forward portion of forearm. Slide it into the barrel from the front. Secure with 2 SMALL screws. DO NOT SNAP from the sides! It may break the barrel adapter.